- Enter your username (Email Address)
- Enter Password.
- Verify the email you receive from FCC. (Check your spam folder, if not received)
- Log on to your account.
Once you have successfully established an FCC User Account, follow the information below to attain an FRN number.
- To register for a new FRN, click the "Go to CORES" button:
- Select "Register New FRN"
- Are you registering as an entity or as an individual? Select 'Individual"
- Is your contact address within the United States or its territories? Select "Yes"
- Do you wish to proceed with a CORES FRN Registration or a Restricted Use FRN Registration? Select "CORES FRN Registration"
- Enter your Given Name & Last Name (The ID info you provide us must be the same)
- The question is asking you for a Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number. "Leave blank."
- If you do not have a Social Security Number. Select "The individual is a foreign"
- Under Contact Information Section. Select "Same as Above"
- Enter your US Address.
- Enter your email address.
- Check the information you provided is correct.
- Submit form.
- Your FRN number should appear on the page, print and bring along to the exam session.
- Note: You will not be allowed to take an exam, without an FRN Number.